Drop sister 19 How To Get Girls: Approach, Date, & Seduce
1, The God Mentality
2, Masculinity
3, Improve emotional intelligence 4, Exercise your eyes
5, Form makeover
6. Circle of friends construction
7, Pick-up Guide
8, Flirting Tips
9, Flirting Topics
10, High class love talk
11, storytelling skills
12. Flirting with girls on the phone
13. Chat on moments
14. Emotional stimulation techniques
15. Divergent thinking
16. Dating Guide
17. The Art of seduction
18. Time Management: Mate Selection
1, The God Mentality 2, Masculinity 3, Improve emotional intelligence 4, Exercise your eyes 5, Form makeover 6. Circle of friends construction 7, Pick-up Guide 8, Flirting Tips 9, Flirting Topics 10, High class love talk 11, storytelling skills 12. Flirting with girls on the phone 13. Chat on moments 14. Emotional stimulation techniques 15. Divergent thinking 16. Dating Guide 17. The Art of seduction 18. Time Management: Mate Selection strategy